Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Welcome to my first ever book!

Several years ago, my journey of writing began. To this day there is still on my closet shelf a box of unfilled notebooks in which have each been separately designated a book idea in each. Although all of my ideas have most likely had potential, I have grown much in my education and writing ability since that day. And in so doing, have written more lately that I hope to share with the world soon. Meanwhile, I wanted to open an exclusive blog for my first ever book that I actually completed in full length. This book is far from perfect. But it was my first complete attempt at a work of literature. I hope you enjoy going through the journey of the Samuelsson family that I began three years ago and will consider following my writing journey as I reveal even better and better Christian historical fiction writings that I have written since then in the coming months and years. Have a blessed day!

And please consider following my personal blog for a look into some of my latest writings!